Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Happy Women's Day

Happy Women's Day to all the real women in this world. The ones who are caring, giving, loving, strong, confident! We are indebted to you.... Special Shout to the 6 incredible women in my life ... eternal Respect and lots of Love to my Strong partner in life Ciriaci tnx for showing me what is selfless love, what it truly is to be passionate about your beliefs and the true meaning of family commitment. I am so fucking lucky that you allow me to navigate life with you; Love, Care, Pride and Warmth to my oldest daughters Stephanie and Nicole who taught me why is life important and why hugz and kisses are necessary. You make me smile and stand tall as I observe you growing up to be the mature, sensitive, driven, humble and committed women that you are... tnx for being my teachers; Love, smiles, patience, cuddling and many more years learning together to the youngest kitten in the Den my Little Sofia. Tnx for making me laugh, teaching me how to be a kid again and how to enjoy the simplest things in life. I am doing everything I can possibly do to be able to see you grow and be there for you along the way; appreciation and sibling love and understanding to my sister Anastasia who is being there from the very beginning and she is still there for a call at any time; and last but certainly not least the warmest hugz and kisses, appreciation, and everything else imaginable to my mother Sofia for the sacrifices she made all her life, and life lessons she instilled in me... hard work, commitment, humanity, love, caring, patience, being humble, sharing, and in general goodness ... I Love you guys....

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