Friday, November 18, 2005

On the subject of drinking and smoking....

Drinking and smoking are some of the worst habits a human being can have.  They are bad for your health, they are bad aesthetically, and they are bothersome to other people next to you. Do not do either of them.  At least try to avoid these two habits.  I do not see the smoking thing at all, but if you must drink for some reason (especially people socializing for work etc might find themselves in such a predicament) do it in moderation.  Always be aware of your surroundings and be in control of yourself.  Maintain your dignity at all times.  It is extremely difficult to control how alcohol affects one’s body here are a few guidelines; drink extremely slowly, always drink lots of water after each drink, never drink more than 3 drinks (absolute maximum), go out in the open air only when at least 30 minutes passed after the last drink, move around when you drink, and always be ready to say no more when you do not feel good even if you only had one drink. Respect your self all the time and do not put your self in a compromising situation.

On the subject of employment....

If someone chooses to make a leaving through the education route i.e. go to college etc., there are three professions I could recommend to anyone; Law, Certified Accounting, and Medical Doctor (for people or animals)!  All these jobs provide an opportunity to secure a comfortable living for many reasons.  First, these jobs are difficult to “learn” and therefore there is a short supply of these professionals in the market place which allows them to command any compensation they choose.  Second, the lawyers make the rules of the game of life, the accountants count the money, and the doctors fix us!  People need all these professionals and there is usually no option to skip their services. So, if you have a choice, learn and do one of these three professions.  Otherwise, open a restaurant with good quality food and atmosphere!  If it is not a restaurant and you choose a different route make sure that you are your own boss!  That is the only way to control your employment and wealth future.

On the subject of kids........

Kids are the bomb! They rule!  They are the engine that makes the world go round!  Of the human race, they are the most interesting to talk with, listen to, and observe!  I do have kids (kiddens as I call them some times) and I simply adore them!  That word is all inclusive for me and it says it all.   Once a human being has children the life equation changes!  They are a wonderful challenge, but they are a tremendous responsibility.  I am trying my best to help my kiddens grow to become the best possible members of society.

On the subject of people........

Beware of who you trust as friend! During the first 37 years of my life I was naive enough to believe that people are true and loyal friends for no reason but I was proven wrong so many times. So, keep in mind that people are not as pure as you wish them to be, rather, people have their own agendas and true and honest human beings whom you can count on as true friends are very few in this world. Make good choices, be trusting, but be smart.

On the subject of respect........

Respect every culture and every human being even when they are assholes to you! How you behave as a human being should not be defined by how people treat you or by your social environment! Having said that, don't be stupid! No excuses for assholes! Stay strong and lead your life with dignity!

On the subject of a good juicy steak........

There is an argument on what is the best cut of meat for steak! In my opinion the best piece is a nice and healthy 1lb 3/4 of an inch thick porterhouse. Make sure that you buy it fresh and let it seat in a cool and dry refrigerator for 24 hours before you grill it. Marinate for 3 hours before you grill, with some salt, pepper, and soy sauce. Make a hot fire (400F) and grill on one side for 30 seconds and then turn and grill the other side for 3 minutes, and then again back to the first side for 2 minutes. Do not cut it and do not poke the stake. Let it seat off the grill for 2-3 minutes before you cut it. Drink a nice cold beer while you are grilling! This way you will have a nicely cooked and juicy steak. Enjoy!

On the subject of work...

Work is an honor and respect for yourself! There is no shame in any type of work as long as you respect yourself and you do not allow people to take advantage of you. Some jobs are better than others, and some jobs are easier than others! The general rule is that the harder you work in getting a job, the better job you will have. Do your job and always think how you can improve what you do! Think positive!

The Standards of society which we must follow

These standards bother me a lot.  There are certain standards in each society which “normal” people must follow!  I am not referring to the written law of the land, I am referring to “the things we should do or shouldn’t do” according to what society considers as a norm or a standard.  I dislike that a lot.  Who sets these standards and with what authority and why should we follow them? I do not like to conform with this bullshit!  I guess that will make me a non conformist.  For example, why should a person have to be dressed nicely for a meeting?  What purpose does it serve?  Why must people be married when they live together for a long time and especially when they want to have kids?  What purpose does this serve?  Why can’t we tell someone in their face when they are lying (when we do it is considered impolite)?  What purpose does this serve?  It is ok for someone to lie but when caught it is impolite to tell them?  Does not make sense to me! Who defines a “bad” word?  I find some of these “bad” words to be extremely expressive and I want to use them!  We give meaning to words and after we brand them as “bad”!  What purpose does this serve?  I want to eat a stake in the morning and breakfast at night!  It makes more sense to me to do that but it is not proper, it is not normal.  Why? I will address many more issues later because there is a lot………..

On the subject of politicians...

What is the deal with the politicians?  Have you noticed that the majority of them are lawyers and they lie?  They can actually lie with a straight face.  I think that is one of the reasons the majority of them cheat on their spouses.  They become experts at lying and they are using the expertise they acquire to cheat.  They have an opinion about everything even though they have no formal training, knowledge, or expertise about 95% of the issues they talk about.  They cannot keep their mouth shut especially when there is a camera in front of them. They also do not keep the promises they make before they get elected.  They know they could not possibly keep their promises but they make them anyways because they know that nobody will truly hold them accountable. What a shame and what a waste!  I wish we could have honest politicians.  Life would have been so much better.

On the subject of Relationships...

Where can I start with relationships?  They are complex but my one suggestion is: DO NOT HAVE ANY EXPECTATIONS FROM ANY RELATIONSHIPS! This will help you maintain happy relationships.  You will loose some and you will win some.  Just know that you will not have many unconditional relationships in your life. When you find any of those type of relationships do all you can to keep them.  They are better than all the money in the world.

On the subject of marriage...

What can I say about marriage?  Do not do it until you are ready to commit with clear head and when you are not thinking with your groin.  Have as much fun in life as you can possibly have and make as many mistakes as possible before you take a step. Also, take care of your career and the financial issues.  Once you are married do it for good especially when you have kids in the middle.  If your marriage has problems do everything you can reasonably do to save your marriage.  I am not an expert on this issue but marriage can make or break your whole life in a lot of different perspectives. General rule: Do not do it before the age of 27!

On the subject of truth...

The truth will set you free!  There is no point in lying for any reason.  If you tell a lie you will most probably have to say another lie to cover the one before and you end up being in a vicious cycle with no end.  At some point you will have to go through the embarrassment of revealing the original lie.  So, there is not point in suffering through this negative cycle which is full of stress.  Save yourself some trouble and tell the truth always no matter how painful it seems to be.  

On the subject of religion...

Religion was created to explain the unexplainable!  Faith gives hope to all of us when we are struggling with negative issues (usually difficult to understand or difficult to justify).  We also use faith to explain things which we might deem unfair or unjust!  I see faith and religion as a way to put an order in our otherwise disorderly world.  Religion provides some ethical guidelines which allow us to structure our world and make it a better place.  In short, religion, faith, and hope are humanity.  These qualities are different from the people who represent and personify religion. I do not like these people because most of all they assume a position of infallibility, they use their respective religion to profit, and they do not truly serve the people they are supposed to support.  So, religion and faith to the values and ethics personified by the respective scriptures is good!

On the subject of leadership...

I believe that leaders should exercise their leadership by accepting responsibility for their actions. Their concern should be the well being of the people they are elected to represent and lead. Their personal interests should be sacrificed to the attainment of their call to duty. Societies can do without "leaders" whose primary interest is their own advancement and well being.

Basic Rules to leave by......

Honesty - Truth - Respect - Honor - Knowledge - Commitment

On the subject of education.....

What can I say about education other than, it is the most important thing in life anyone can do other than breathing! Education gives you confidence to take life face on! Education is an activity that never stops regardless of how many degrees you hold. You must educate yourself constantly and try to stay fresh on what is going on around you at many different levels. Learn as much as you can and try to correlate what you learn, with your environment.

On the subject of friendship.....

A true friend is someone who is there for you when you need him/her without expecting anything in return. It is extremely difficult to find a true friend because there are not many people willing to sacrifice their time and energy for nothing. Offcourse the return from a true friendship is not nothing! There is a lot to gain from a true friendship. Knowing that you can talk to another human being about the things that bother you without having to worry that this person will repeat everything you have trusted to them , or knowing that this person will give you a truly honest feedback, gives you peace of mind!

Semi Governmental organizations in Cyprus tick me off.....

Semi Governmental organizations in Cyprus tick me off…..
What is up with these so called companies supported by public finances and protected by monopolistic markets?  Not only do they receive millions of pounds in government grants they also operated for many years under monopoly market protectionism.  As a result they overcharged, under managed, over expensed, and they filled their financial coffins with overpriced services.  In addition, they have been practicing unfair hiring practices from their inception.  They basically practice a sort of hiring inbreeding strategy.  They hire relatives and children of current employees blocking the way to possibly more qualified people.  Transparency in all internal practices is non existent.  As the market is opening up to competition they now want to privatize these companies which were established, grew, and prospered financially with public money (taxpayers’ money).  Privatization is good and welcomed however not to disseminate equity to the employees only.  If they do that these employees benefit from both their lucrative and in some cases unfairly secured positions as well as equity ownership.  Where does this leave the taxpayers who have been supporting these companies’ inefficiencies for the last 40 years?  Enough is enough!  People should wake up and demand transparency and stop trusting the various governments and technocrats blindly.  Ask questions and demand answers.