Wednesday, April 29, 2020

We Leave in a Nightmare of a State Structure

If Cyprus was a person, it would have been send to a juvenile delinquency court and put under parental supervision until it matures... anything we could fuck up, we did... WTF... so many scandals the last 60 years and no reaction by anyone... are we stupid or what?

Zoume se ena oneiro poutzina pou fonazis oso pio dynata mporis alla foni en fkeni, i potzina pou vouras opos ton pellon alla poupote en pais... pos/pou mporw na fkw na fonaksw kapia aftonoita pramata tzai na me akousoun oulloi? Ma oulloi omos... den ginete re kopellia tzai kopelles na mas peripezoun toson polla se oulla ta epipeda tzai na men theloume/mporoume na alaksoumen ta pramata. Pou na arkepsw tzai pou na teliosw? Forologies xoris antikrisma, forologies pas tes forologies giati katastasis opos GESY einai indirect forlogia. Dld oi forologies pou plironoumen gia pion praman eni? Gia na ta klefkoun? Plironoumen forologies gia education, health care, infrastructure etc tzai tipote den ginete se kapion apodekton epipedo tzai otan xriasti na ginoun touta ta pramata me sovarotita prepi na ksanaplirosoume... wow... e kala re file, oi alles forologies gia inta prama eni? Ta elites pou efan tzai ekokalisan to kosmo? Dikastes, xrimatistiria, trapezes, sxoleia, rousfethkia ... dld oi pio eksipnoi einai tzinoi pou skeftounte enan tropo na fkaloun lefta me to na gelasoun tous ypolipous alla epidoi oi voleftes mas den eskeftikan (oi en ethelisan na nomothetisoun giati tzai tzinoi trwn) oute gata oute zimia... trwn, kamnoun malakies tzai istera pou to panairi kamioun tzai mian palavonomothesia me 1000 lathoi gia na epemvoun taxates... kani olan...

Do What You Love

If you love what you do, you immerse your self, you teach your self and learn as much as possible. If you do not love what you do, others teach you and it is just as much as you need to do your job...

Making Cypriot Fried Bread

Making Cypriot Fried Bread with Honey

Making Pittes (Fried Bread)

Cyprus Startup Ecosystem

This was a lot of fun

Many thanks to Ismail and Demetris for sitting down with us for the first live broadcast of Cyprus v.U, and to the over 4,000+ who tuned in at some point and interacted by providing questions for our guests and/or helping us solve the challenge of the live think tank portion. Many more to come.
We had a great time discussing social #entrepreneurship and #innovation across #Cyprus (particularly for youth), learning a lot from the experiences of both Demetris of the Center for Social Innovation - CSI in Nicosia and Ismail of Kyrenia's Girne Gençlik Gelişim Merkezi - GİGEM. We spoke about the opportunities and challenges in Cyprus common to the entire island with perspectives from both north and south Cyprus, and tackled one of those shared challenges live on air

Looking forward to our next chat coming up soon with some new amazing guests on Uniting Cyprus via Digital Transformation and Technology!

CyprusInno Discussion

Radical Transparency

True, real, unquestionable, meaningful Goodness of heart. ... that's what is important. ... can you truly be happy with someone else's happiness and truly sad and supportive with their sadness? That's the measure. ... Love to all...

Motivational Video - Stay Strong

To all the people that I love and care about ... and that includes most people  ... please watch this inspiring story ... some people among us have or gain unparalleled strength, focus and commitment when they are faced with adversity ... then, why not be as strong, positive, loving, focused to begin with... be strong, stand up, face life and just Keep Fighting Forward ... Lots of Love to All

Stay Strong - Motivational Video

Chinese proverb - We need Each Other

"If you want to know the road ahead, ask those coming back" ... Chinese proverb ... Everyone needs someone's help, try to help as many people as possible have a better life experience... Pay It Forward! ... Love to All..

Are you Happy with your Footprint?

When death touches our footprint and we are reminded of how fragile life is and how little control we have over our expiration day, and realize that we may not end up walking as far as we would like we should ask ourselves; Are we happy with the trail we have left behind us? Constant readjustment towards pure goodness... that's peace of mind... that will give comfort to the ones left behind... and that is heaven... Love to All!

Happy Women's Day

Happy Women's Day to all the real women in this world. The ones who are caring, giving, loving, strong, confident! We are indebted to you.... Special Shout to the 6 incredible women in my life ... eternal Respect and lots of Love to my Strong partner in life Ciriaci tnx for showing me what is selfless love, what it truly is to be passionate about your beliefs and the true meaning of family commitment. I am so fucking lucky that you allow me to navigate life with you; Love, Care, Pride and Warmth to my oldest daughters Stephanie and Nicole who taught me why is life important and why hugz and kisses are necessary. You make me smile and stand tall as I observe you growing up to be the mature, sensitive, driven, humble and committed women that you are... tnx for being my teachers; Love, smiles, patience, cuddling and many more years learning together to the youngest kitten in the Den my Little Sofia. Tnx for making me laugh, teaching me how to be a kid again and how to enjoy the simplest things in life. I am doing everything I can possibly do to be able to see you grow and be there for you along the way; appreciation and sibling love and understanding to my sister Anastasia who is being there from the very beginning and she is still there for a call at any time; and last but certainly not least the warmest hugz and kisses, appreciation, and everything else imaginable to my mother Sofia for the sacrifices she made all her life, and life lessons she instilled in me... hard work, commitment, humanity, love, caring, patience, being humble, sharing, and in general goodness ... I Love you guys....

Actual Hands-on Experience Makes a Fucking Difference

Isn't it weird that the vast majority of Entrepreneurship and Start up discussion panels, accelerators and legislators or policy makers in Cyprus do not include a single person who actually built a single company or has ever dirty his/her hands in the actual process of building a company? How can someone give advice when everything they know is theoretical? It's like me trying to advice future tennis players how to get an ATP ranking or golf players how to get on the PGA tour. Stop setting uneducated expectations and fucking up a whole generation of youth. Know what you don't know and either step off the plate or get someone to support you. Entrepreneurship is not a classroom activity..

Going crazy about fossil fuel while ignoring renewable energy and what the sun can easily gift us

Isn't it weird that we are all getting kaka crazy about finding fossil fuel (gas) in the Mediterranean, when we have much easier access to the sun? Why not invest in harnessing energy from the sun. Why not invest in building efficient and cheaper photovoltaic technology. Creating high value jobs in scientific fields, involve our universities, build manufacturing around this area? Gas is expensive to extract, make usable, and distribute... sun is much easier... and then, much easier and perhaps cheaper to send over to Europe with underwater cables instead of underwater tubes... and also maybe, the energy from the sun will not even create all this political turmoil and conflict, and for sure much more environmentally friendly... why not? Perhaps some people are seating pretty to gain a shitload of money from the process of extracting gas? Maybe money is the motivation? Because for sure the Sun makes so much more sense in anyway you see it... Have a great weekend...

Be Positive and show some gratitude

Don't fucking tell me you are having a bad day ... go wake up your luck... enjoy the day and say thanks for all the positives in your life and work to make all the negatives great... happy life takes an effort.... kalimorning...

April 1st ;)

Three Venture Capital investment firms see Cyprus as the next up and coming global Entrepreneurship hub and as a result they agreed to join forces to create the 750 million USD Cyprus Fund. Columbia Capital, Kleiner Perkins and Sequoia Capital announced the fund in an effort to be the first to land on the island ahead of the tsunami of multitude of investors planning to join. The funds are attracted by the abundance of deal flow, the mature ecosystem, the common stakeholder goals, the expertise and the regulations and legislation conducive to high risk investments.

We Need Happiness & Smiling Literacy

Casual morning drive field research results: we need Happiness & Smiling Literacy... of the 50 cars I counted only 3 people were smiling (2 men, 1 woman)... irrelevant but important info: 42 drivers were using a phone or were putting on makeup (vast majority women - i stoped counting at 22 women, 3 men) ... 3 people (all men) were smoking in the car while having young people with them... 1 driver (young girl -for sure less than 20) pitched some paper out the window...non scientific Conclusion: we can't manage the basics in this country and we are wondering why we are absent from more important conversations on other issues.... Provlimatismos... kalimera

Unacceptable GESY First Fuckup

I do not accept that this is the beginning for GESY and therefore there is an excuse for insufficient infrastructure, processes and procedures. This is not the first relatively large scale system that is being designed. There are massive systems out there and there is plenty of experience and knowledge, per-release testing, estimates etc. that are available and these information and knowledge should have been used to set up a sufficient system to handle the load ... there is absolutely no excuse ... the people involved are unprofessional to say the least .... my opinion ... Kalimorning

Επιλέγω την ΑΓΑΠΗ, την ΚΑΤΑΝΟΗΣΗ, την ΣΥΜΒΙΩΣΗ

Αποφασίστε... Θέλουμε λύση τζαι συμβίωση ή όι; οι μισοί βαφτίστηκαν Έλληνες τζαι οι άλλοι μισοί Τουρζοι τζαι έκαναν τα "σιεσιε γιαχνί". Όποιος είναι τυφλός ταιρκάζει τα όπως θέλει... Όταν εβιάζαν την μικρή και αποκεφάλισαν τον αδερφό της την ίδια στιγμή κυριολεκτικά στο ίδιο δωμάτιο αποκεφάλισαν τον παππού και τη γιαγιά μου ... έχω κάθε λόγο να μισώ... έχω κάθε λόγο να είμαι ρατσιστής...ΔΕΝ ΕΙΜΑΙ... Δεν έχει καλές και κακές χώρες, εθνικότητες ή θρησκείες... ΕΧΕΙ ΚΑΚΟΥΣ ΚΑΙ ΚΑΛΟΥΣ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΥΣ... μπορώ να σας ονομάσω Ε/Κ που είναι πολύ μαλακές και δε θέλω καν να τους ξέρω και Τ/Κ που είναι λεβέντες και το αντίστροφο... είδα με τα μάτια μου, διάβασα, ρώτησα, άκουσα, έμαθα... 200 ατομα από την μια κοινότητα και 200 από την άλλη κατέστρεψαν και συνεχίζουν να καταστρέφουν την Κύπρο και οι υπόλοιποι τους το επιτρέπουμε... Και οι δυο πλευρές σκότωσαν, και οι δύο πλευρές αναίρεσαν συμφωνίες, Και οι δύο πλευρές πυροδότησαν μίσος και μισαλλοδοξία... Δεν είμαστε ειλικρινείς γιατί τρελαθήκαμε για τον serial killer (που έπρεπε να τρελαθούμε) αλλά δώσαμε κλάδο ελαιας σε 15 δολοφόνους που βίασαν και ξεκλήρισαν 200 γυναικόπαιδα. Και αυτοί ζουν ανάμεσα μας ΚΑΘΗΜΕΡΙΝΑ και δεν μας ενοχλεί...και κατά τα άλλα μόνο η άλλη πλευρά είναι βάρβαρη... ηρεμήστε γιατί δεν έχει κάνεις το προνόμιο για το μίσος ή την έχθρα... Εγώ επιλέγω να είμαι ειλικρινής, να μαθαίνω, να συγχωρώ, να προχωρώ, γιατί ΘΕΛΩ να παω στο χωριό μου. Δε θέλω πλέον να με ρωτούν από πού είμαι και να πρέπει να απαντώ " Από τον κατεχόμενο Γερολακκο και τον κατεχόμενο Συσκληπο" ή να σκέφτομαι ότι όταν πεθάνω δεν έχω τόπο που να θέλω να με θάψουν...Θέλω ο τόπος μου να είναι ένα, να μπορω να κινηθώ ελεύθερα. Δε θέλω αυτό που έχουμε τώρα. Τέλος, το ξαναλεω: επιλέγω την ΑΓΑΠΗ, την ΚΑΤΑΝΟΗΣΗ, την ΣΥΜΒΙΩΣΗ...

The feminist movement failed to empower women

The feminist movement failed to empower women .... Freedom of choice is different from real empowerment... my opinion love, care and compassion to all

Cyprus Entrepreneurship Ecosystem - My Opinion

Cyprus Entrepreneurship Ecosystem -  Food for thought ....

1. We should stop referring to startups and Cypriot start ups in the same sentence. If you want to build a startup you should think globally/internationally from the beginning
2. If you want to move quickly bypass (legally) the government or government entities
3. Have a sustainability plan so you do not have to run after money every time you run out of it... cash flow and burn rates are the two most important financial instruments when building a start up
4. Not everyone is built to become entrepreneur. As a mater of fact, only 20% of the people have the "DNA" to become entrepreneurs. My speculation is that most people in Cyprus are not successful because their objective is to get public funding to play around and do not have a Purpose that solves a critical market/society problem
5. Have a purpose when you are building a startup
6. Have the determination and the drive and work 25 hours a day (I know there are only 24 hours in a day but for fucks sake you are an entrepreneur - figure out another hour
7. Put things in perspective; there isn't ANY successful startup that came out of Cyprus - think about this - there are reasons for that. Figure out the reasons and fix it... don't expect others to fix it for you
8. You can't copy another successful "ecosystem" and expect the same results
9. Doing business and building startups is difficult as shit; that's why the success rate is really really really small
10. Stop listening to wanna be mentors, experts, specialist etc. The first question to ask to any of those people is; How many startups did you build (successfully or not)... the less they did the faster you run away
11. Ideas are a 1000 to a dime; they do not mean shit. I have 10 ideas every morning while taking a shower. Ask the difficult questions; is there enough market willing to pay the price I command for the unique/different product or service that I want to build? .. .and many more
12+1. Have a team around you who knows what they are doing, have the drive to do it, the patience to see it through, whose purpose and commitment are aligned with the rest of the team...

AND YES, I have been building startups for the last 34 years in the US and Europe ... some of them failed and some didn't ... overall pretty good for me so, I think I know what the fuck I am talking about... BTW, yes, this is a complicated issue and cannot be addressed with one posting or one seminar or one of anything but at least it can give people interested an idea of the basics ... lost of Love to All...

Solution for Non Performing Loans

Government should buy all non performing loans at the discount rate the other loan portfolio buyers do i.e. at 25% of their value, rent the assets back to owners to collect rent, and as the owners die sell them to young people to give access to affordable housing... this way the banks will be free of non performing loans, gov will stop bleeding payments to banks, people will stay in their homes, market will not be flooded with real estate assets so the prices will not collapse, government will be collecting rent, will gradually sell as people pass on in a smooth long term distribution, and young couples will have easier access to a home...

Beautiful Parenthood

No Comment needed ... Watch and Enjoy Beautiful Parenthood ... It will put a smile on your face ... I love my three beautiful daughters

Center for Applied Entrepreneurship

The Center for Social Innovation is formalizing an already successful initiative; ACE - The Applied Center for Entrepreneurship. ACE is the result of many years of work in the areas of Business Forensic Consulting, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Skills Development, Youth Work, Academia to Industry Liaison, Business Incubator Development and Management and formal and informal Training and Career Development in Cyprus, Europe and the USA through our presence as well as through our business, academic and personal relationships. We have been encouraged by our partners all over the world to undertake this initiative with a purpose to Fuel Business Growth by supporting both Small to Medium Businesses or Startups that have Ideas Worth Investing in to either grow their existing businesses or establish new ventures. We will be truthful, transparent, realistic and ready to share our experience, expertise and knowledge with the ventures we will be supporting in return for their commitment to work hard, be passionate, be ready to make sacrifices and be pragmatists in their effort to build viable businesses. We do not guarantee that we will work with everyone. Our approach and process is not to leverage “the established competition leading, presentation teaching driven theoretical approach”. There are many organizations that do that and some are doing it well. Our approach is to help you Roll up your sleeves and get to work to get things done by solving problems and get to the market as quickly as possible. We are planning many actions in the next year. Our first action is that every Thursday, beginning from Dec. 12th 2019, we will have A Totally Free ACE Clinic where anyone interested to engage with us, will have access to make an appointment on a FCFS basis, to identify if there is an opportunity to work together and to develop an Action Roadmap moving forward. Please let us know of your interest by sending email to with subject line: ACE Initiative. Outline your contact information, interest and your business focus in one or two paragraphs.


We pay as much as up to 70% of our income in taxes (Income tax up to 35%, Social Security around 10%, VAT at 18%, PLUS trash collection tax, cemetery tax is some areas, tax for owning a house etc) and in return we get fucked up roads, schools that can't teach our kids properly and are not adequate for the needs of today's society, poor health care, poor policing and security, and lack of investments to encourage job creation etc.... YET we do not react and we accept incompetent politicians and civil curators who make and execute the laws, spend our hard earned money inefficiently and ineffectively, and in the end make inconceivable mistakes and ask us to pay even more to cover those mistakes. All this while none is called to answer for these mistakes that cost billions and the tax payer's suffer and their quality of life diminishes year in and year out... What the heck is going on here.... WAKE THE FUCK UP!

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Friday, April 24, 2020

My 2 cents on Applied Entrepreneurship

I want to meet with the person who learned and built a successful startup by just reading books and articles, going to events, and participating in competitions (especially when those three things are driven by people who never built a startup before - who never dirty their hands). So, starting up a business is like exercising ... it's 80% doing it, 10% mentorship from people who did it before, and 10% the above three... Peace and Love...

Age is Just a Number... Sometimes

Age is just a number but .... opos mou eipen tzai i mana mou... "ston nou mou geie mou nomizw eime 18 alla ama ena evrw kanena skaloui 5-6 pontous mprosta mou athimoume oti eime 78" .... hahaha ... put things into perspective... Leave a Positive Footprint in This World... Kalimera ... Agapw...

To All Women Out There ... Equity in Opportunity

Don't complain, go get it done. Stop putting groups together to beg others to give you what is rightly yours. Go get the power on your side.

I often wonder why women, at least in countries where there is one vote for one person, complain about equity in opportunity, political participation etc. This issue came back with a vengeance this past week with Finish voters bringing to power a woman who is also very young. The question I keep hearing and reading by mostly women but also by a lot of men is: Why isn't this happening in my own country? Why can't we also have someone who is young or a woman or someone from outside mainstream politics become our president or parliamentarian etc.? 

The answer is simple: Because women do not organize, vote the best, encourage the change of our culture to promote young people or women or other disenfranchised individuals to want to claim political positions of power. They are not doing everything possible to increase the confidence level of young people to the point they would believe in themselves that they can do a great job.
It is simple. I believe that if women were to organize enough, they could claim what they long for and many men will support that effort. But women need to take control of the process. They should convince everyone that they believe in this and they should work to get it done. If women were to organize they could bring to power by the next elections 50 women in parliament and a young female to the presidency ... and by the way... it is about time to have women dominate our politics because obviously men fucked it up big time... so, TO ALL WOMEN ... get your act together and get it done... nobody is going to do it for you or give it to you in a plate ... put the processes together and GO CLAIM WHAT IS YOURS... don't complain, go get it done...

Always be Loving and Polite BUT Be Ready to Cause Havoc when Necessary

WTF is wrong with people... PLEEEEASE .. .raise your awareness, look out no matter where you are, check where you are standing, where you are seating, where is your family and friends at all times and be ready ... when in public areas, especially in high human or other traffic, be vigilant ... be ready to have quick cover, quick reaction and be ruthless and crazy violent in response to anything that might pose a threat ... it's their survival vs your loved ones and yours ...

Empowered Women!

Empowered women through mental, intellectual and physical strength ... Equity in Opportunity for ALL Human Beings... There shouldn't be ANY generalizations... There are good and bad people regardless of sex, ethnicity, religion, nationality, color etc. ... Being bad is not a Man's vice and being good is not a woman's virtue... Both can fall on either side of the equation... Let's fight for ALL Human Beings who are taken advantage off, disrespected, being wronged, being abused in any way, shape or form... but fight with dignity, otherwise we become them ... anger is the punishment we impose on our selves for other's mistakes ... Peace & Love to ALL...


It's OK!

When a friend, loved one or someone close to us misjudge a situation and they are down we tend to unload on them with negative comments, pointing a finger in their face or telling them what is right or wrong. They do not need that in this particular case. What they need instead is a real human being next to them, someone to listen to them with understanding, someone who really cares to tell them that it is ok... to tell them that things will be ok... to let them know that you will be next to them... to reaffirm our love and care for them...A true friend, or loved one should uplift their spirit and help them feel whole and true... take their hand and tell them that your warmth and positive spirit will be around if they need to ... pick someone up when they are down, don't push them even more into uncertainty, self doubt and isolation... At the end of the day you would want that person to still be high in your mind and your self respect list, you do not want that person to be broken, with no self worth or dignity left ... that wouldn't make you feel good... Share your love, compassion, friendship and your warmth with a big hug ... Love and Friendship

Keep Fighting Forward

Fearless Motivation — The world is a jungle. You either fight and...

Life, Please Kiss Me!

Evaluating life yesterday, in between your beautiful wishes, I reconfirmed that I never want to settle and I will make the necessary adjustments yet one more time that will allow me to renew myself, my passion and my purpose in life. On one hand it is torture to never be totally content but also a blessing for continual exploration yields tremendous satisfaction both through the successes as well as through the failures and the learning that ensues. So, thanks for the positive vibes, the love that you shared with me, the beautiful wishes and the encouraging words. You are part of my environment that is so necessary for me to be who I am. When I advocate that empathy, loving and caring are the foundation of everything good that we are, I truly embrace it as well as immerse my self into the process. I love you all... have a beautiful, passionate, successful, loving 2020 .... Go get what you desire in life...

Kανείς δεν μπορεί να μας σταματήσει

Χθές ξύπνησα πρωί και ξεκίνησα περπατητός από τον Στρόβολο και κατέληξα στην Λύδρας ... Κατά την διάρκεια τις διαδρομής σταμάτησα τρεις φορές και κουβέντιασα με τέσσερα άτομα... μια γυναίκα 92 χρόνων που μου περιέγραψε πόσο περήφανη ήταν που μεγάλωσε 4 παιδιά με πολύ κόπο δουλεύοντας στα χωράφια και καθαρίζοντας σπίτια, και πόσο πολύ ικανοποιημένη ήταν από την ζωή της – δόξα τον θεό γιε μου ήταν η πιο πολυχρησιμοποιημένη τις φράση.... 2 φίλους που κάθονταν σε μια στάση λεωφορείου περνώντας το πρωινό τους κουβεντιάζοντας, και οι δυο μεγαλύτεροι των 85... ο ένας εξ αυτών με ένα τεράστιο μουστάκι το οποίο ήταν και η αφορμή τις κουβέντας μας... και οι δυο μου διηγήθηκαν τις δυσκολίες τις ζωής τους αλλά και τις ευχάριστες στιγμές – που ήταν όλες στιγμές φιλίας, αγάπης, οικογένειας, και δημιουργικότητας – και αυτοί περήφανοι και ευχαριστημένοι από τα δώρα που τους επιφύλαξε η ζωή.... και στον τρίτο σταθμό τις διαδρομής μου μιλώντας με ένα νεαρό 20 χρόνων, μουσικό, που ήρθε στην Λευκωσία την προηγούμενη νύχτα για να τραγουδήσει και να παίξει drums .... εκπλάγηκα όταν άρχισε να μου μιλά αισιόδοξα για το μέλλον... μου άρεσε η θετική ενέργεια που είχε.... μου έλειψε τούτο το συναίσθημα τις ελπίδας, και βαρέθηκα την μισαλλοδοξία και την αρνητικότατα... Ένα δίδαγμα πήρα από την διαδρομή της Κυριακής.... κατά την διάρκεια των πιο παραγωγικών χρόνων της ζωής μας, μπαίνουμε σε μια κατάσταση μέθης, άγχους, αρνητικής κατάντιας, βαριεστημάρας, ηττημένοι και δεινοπαθημένοι από το κατεστημένο... όμως όλοι ξέρουμε πώς όταν δουλέψουμε σκληρά, είμαστε θετικοί, και είμαστε διορατικοί μπορούμε να βρούμε τον τρόπο και κανείς η καμιά κατάσταση δεν μπορεί να μας σταματήσει... δύναμη και καλή συνέχεια....

Be Positive if you want to Keep Your Brain Big!

Be positive, surround yourself with positive people and situations, negativity affects your physical and mental well being... stay away from chronic complainers... exercise, meditate, think positive... complaining leads to stress, stress affects your hippocampus, affected hippocampus produces cortisol, cortisol makes your brain smaller...


The most successful startup Entrepreneurs are in the 40-60 years old age group ... 50% of startups are developed by people in this age group while the same group is responsible for 60% of High Growth Startups... Yet, all official programs and actions cap support within the youth community. Wouldn't it be more productive to encourage Entrepreneurship and Startup development without any age limitations? After all, we need ALL citizens to be active, creative, energetic, life changers, productive ... Life expectancy increased from 65 in 1950 to 81 today with projections to be at 90 by the middle of the century. We certainly do not want people to seat around doing nothing for 20-30 years. A positive action could be to encourage collaboration between all age groups to have both tacit knowledge transfer and perhaps financing availability so the younger generations can implement their creative ideas for a better future and better quality of life for all ...

How many times should I say it.. .Learn to Defend yourself!

Learning to defend yourself is the best way to minimize violence, bullying, improved women safety etc... policy making, legislation, enforcement are all good but in most cases none of that will be there to protect you when an attacker comes after you ... do your self a favor and learn how to protect yourself... peace and love

The Only Way

Time is ruthlessly beautiful.... destructive beauty... being nice, caring, loving, supportive, determined, fearless, honest, passionate, hard working and transparent are the only way...

It is not the piece of paper, It is the knowledge

Whoever holds a piece of paper from a "whatever university" and through "nobody advisors" and who he never wrote anything of value or if they wrote something nobody ever read it (zero or insignificant citations), they label themselves academics, and whatever the fuck you can imagine comes out of their mouth without validation or scientific basis, and they expect that all the shit that comes out of their mouth is legitimate. Either through stupid media shows or some other venue and we should take them seriously? The worst of the kind are the ones who are taking on roles as policy advisors and through that they fuck everyone's life ... Go Fuck yourself...

Just a morning though....

Process Efficiency Analysis of Church Liturgy: the average pronunciation of each word takes 2.65 seconds. To say the same words in a normal pronunciation duration takes .15 of a second. This is 17.66 times longer pronunciation of words in liturgy than normal. Which means that a Liturgy of 5 hours could normally start and finish in around 16 minutes.... Food for thought ...  btw... byzantine hymns are beautiful musically..... kalimera

Fuck the Bullies

Γαμότο με το bullying.... ξυπνάτεεεεεεεε.... προστατεύσετε τα μωρά σας.... σταματήστε να διδάσκεται τα μωρά σας να είναι καλά πάντοτε... έχει στιγμές που πρέπει να σταθούν μπροστά στην αδικία και να της δείξουν τα δόντια τους... πάντα με αγάπη 

Fuck the bullies... teach your kids self defense, sit on the school's ass, report bullies, their parents and the school to police with a formal complain ...stop teaching your kids to be nice all the time ... there comes a time when they need to grow talons and rip the bullies apart

Don't wait for validation - Go get it done!

Μην περιμένετε την αναγνώριση τζαι τα μπράβο για να διαχειριστείτε την ζωή σας... να κάνετε ότι σας κάμνει χαρούμενους.

Don't wait for validation and approval from others before you decide your purpose in life and a course of action to achieve that purpose. Leave the footprint you desire in life...


 Έχω εισήγηση για το ποδόσφαιρο και για να εκλείψει όλος ο θόρυβος. Οι επαγγελματικές ομάδες που είναι και εταιρείες να δημιουργήσουν μια δική τους εταιρεία (Holding Company) η οποία θα διοικεί το επαγγελματικό ποδόσφαιρο σύμφωνα με τις νομοθεσίες που διέπουν όλες τις εταιρείες. Να μην έχουν καμιά χρηματική η άλλη στήριξη από τα δημόσια ταμεία και να μην έχουν διευκολύνσεις. Να πληρώνουν φορολογίες, κοινωνικές ασφαλίσεις, να ελέγχονται από τον έφορο εταιρειών, αν υπάρξει διαπλοκή και σχηματική κίνηση να διώκονται όπως όλους τους υπόλοιπους πολίτες όταν υπάρχει παρανομία κτλ. Αυτές οι ομάδες με την μητρική τους Holding company, να είναι και ο οργανισμός που θα έχει επαγγελματική σχέση με τις διεθνής ομοσπονδίες. Ομάδες που αντιπροσωπεύουν τον οργανισμό θα συμμετάσχουν στα πρωταθλήματα της UEFA κτλ. Αυτός ο οργανισμός θα μπορούσε να έχει δεύτερες ομάδες, παραρτήματα κτλ και να διοικούνται και αυτά σύμφωνα με τον νόμο.
Η ΚΟΠ να παραμείνει μια ερασιτεχνική ομοσπονδία όπου ομάδες όλων των κατηγοριών θα αγωνίζονται μόνο για εγχώρια πρωταθλήματα, οι ομάδες θα είναι ερασιτεχνικές και θα διοικούνται αμισθί όπως επίσης και η διοίκηση της ομοσπονδίας θα διορίζετε από το κράτος. Το κράτος θα έχει τον πλήρη έλεγχο και θα χρηματοδοτεί 100% αυτά τα πρωταθλήματα. Εάν είναι εφικτό οι εθνικές ομάδες της Κύπρου να αντιπροσωπεύονται από ποδοσφαιριστές της ΚΟΠ. Τέλος όλα τα προβλήματα.

Είμαστε μισοδώτζην

Αν κατάλαβα καλά οι εκπαιδευτικοί θα προσέλθουν στα σχολεία και θα διδάσκουν διαδικτυακά.

1. Άρα θα καλύπτουν τις ώρες τους και μετά θα έχει πρόβλημα να τους ζητηθεί να παραταθεί η σχολική χρονιά
2. Περιμένω να δω με ενδιαφέρον τα διαδικτυακά μαθήματα από όλους τους εκπαιδευτικούς
3. Την τεχνική υποδομή στα σχολεία (υπολογιστές, bandwidth, security, throughput, redundancy, simultaneous users, voice transmission quality). 15-20 live streaming sessions per school simultaneously... Θέλω να το δω
4. Έχουν όλοι οι εκπαιδευτικοί laptops, security, διαδίκτυο;
5. Έχουν όλα τα παιδιά laptop, security, διαδίκτυο; Έχουν όλα τα παιδιά, όλων των ηλικιών κάποιο να τους βοηθήσει;
6. Πόσοι εκπαιδευτικοί θα μπορέσουν να ανταποκριθούν
7. Πώς θα ανταποκριθούν οι μαθητές ... κλπ...
8. Η διαφορά στην ποιότητα διαδικτυακής εκπαίδευσης από κάθε εκπαιδευτικό θα προσθέσει ακόμα ένα βαθμό δυσκολίας στην αξιολόγηση των μαθητών

Τα πιο πάνω θα μπορούσαν να είναι ή αρχή μιας στρατηγικής συζήτησης με απώτερο σκοπό να δημιουργηθεί ένας οδικός χάρτης και πλάνο για την αντιμετώπιση αυτού του προβλήματος και την δημιουργία συνθηκών για ένα μοντέρνο ψηφιακό εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα.
Φυσικά αυτή είναι μία ευκαιρία για να επιταχύνουμε κάποιες αλλαγές και τεχνολογικές εξελίξεις και να πάμε μπροστά ... θα δούμε...

ένα τελευταίο... δεν θα έπρεπε να υπάρξει ένα task force με cyta, epic, primetel, cablenet, logicom, bionic, stefanis, public, ministry of innovation, ministry of education, κεβε, οεβ κλπ και ένα δυνατό budget με οδηγίες του προέδρου όπου παρακάμπτονται διαδικασίες to get shit done όσο πιο γρήγορα γίνεται;

Θκυό λεπτά κανονίζω το πρόβλημα

Θκυό λεπτά κανονίζω το πρόβλημα....

1. Όλα τα μαθήματα να παραδίδονται από 2-3 δασκάλους/καθηγητές και να εκπέμπονται από ΡΙΚ 2.
2. Οί εξετάσεις θα είναι βασισμένες στην ύλη πού διδάχθηκε μέχρι 11/3/2020. Δεν υπάρχει κάποιος που δεν θα γίνει επιστήμονας αν δεν διδαχθεί ακόμα ένα μήνα ύλης.
3. Στα μαθήματα θα μπορούσε να διδάσκουν 50% επανάληψη παλιάς ύλης και 50% καινούργιας ύλης ή οποία δεν θα είναι εξεταστέα
4. Οί υπόλοιποι εκπαιδευτικοί να είναι διαθέσιμοι διαδικτυακά για να λύνουν απορίες. Ο κάθε εκπαιδευτικός θα είναι υποχρεωμένος να έχει chat groups για κάθε μάθημα πού διδάσκει
5. Όσοι εκπαιδευτικοί δεν τα καταφέρνουν με την τεχνολογία μετά από σύντομη εκπαίδευση να απολυθούν με όλα τα επιδόματα που δικαιούνται και να προσληφθούν νέοι πού έχουν της γνώσεις.
6. Οί εκπαιδευτικοί να εκπαιδευτούν σε θέματα διαδικτυακής εκπαίδευσης και να είναι υποχρεωμένοι τους επόμενους 12 μήνες να προετοιμάσουν σχέδια μαθημάτων/σενάρια διδασκαλίας (lesson plans). Το υπουργείο και το παιδαγωγικό να έχουν διαθέσιμους instructional designers and elearning platform designers για την υποδομή και νέα γνώση που χρειάζεται.
7. Να κλείσουν όλα για της επόμενες 4 βδομάδες (όλα.. δουλειές, σχολεία, καταστήματα κλπ)
8. Να σταματήσουν όλες οι πληρωμές (τραπεζικές δόσεις, ενοίκια, ρεύμα, νερό, taxes κλπ).
9. Η κυβέρνηση να πληρώσει 1000 ευρώ για την κάθε οικογένεια των 4 και αναλογικά για πιο πολλούς ή πιο λίγους
10. Οί ξενοδόχοι να υποχρεωθούν να έχουν χαμηλότερες τιμές για να ενθαρρύνουν εσωτερικό τουρισμό. Ότι χάσουν αποδεδειγμένα να το καλύψει η κυβέρνηση
11. Στις 4 βδομάδες ξεκινούν όλα εκεί που έμειναν χωρίς πέναλτι σε κανένα (freeze time plan)
12. Όποιος παραβιάσει ειδικά το 8,9,11 τρελλό πρόστιμο
13. Όποια εταιρία προσφέρει βοήθεια αφιλοκερδώς θα πάρει φοροαπαλλαγές
14. Θέματα υγείας οποιασδήποτε θα διευθετηθούν
15. Όλη ή ιστορία θα κοστίσει κοντά στα 300 εκατομμύρια που μπορούμε να πάρουμε από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση.

... με Αγάπη

θα μας φάει η ζήλια και η μαλακία

Είμαστε άξιοι της τύχης μας γιατί θα μας φάει η ζήλια και η μαλακία…. Άτε Κύπριε … πήγανε 12000 εκπαιδευτικοί στα σχολεία, δεν έχουν κάτι παραγωγικό να κάνουν, κάθονται δήθεν σε συνεδρίες για να λύσουν προβλήματα για τα οποία η ηγεσία τους δεν έδωσε κατεύθυνση γιατί δεν χαμπαρίζουν, ενώ θα μπορούσαν να είναι απομονωμένοι και να δουλεύουν να παράγουν έργο π.χ. digital documents με το περιεχόμενο τον μαθημάτων που θα παρέδιδαν, και στο τέλος της μέρας οι 12000 αυτοί άνθρωποι είναι ακόμη 12000 άτομα που είναι σε περιβάλλον ψηλού κινδύνου για πιθανή μόλυνση από τον ιό. Μπράβο μας… συγχαρητήρια … να παν δουλειά σιορ γιατί εμείς είμαστε μαλάκες;

One World, One Community, One Fight

Let me share my perspective on addressing covid-19. Statistics and theorizing are fine for research and academic papers. BTW, there isn't enough research on this to substantially support any of the various and diverse claims by professionals. I will agree that perhaps the 1% death rate is not significant until it gets us personally or a loved one. Even though personally I believe that even one person lost is too much. So, in light that this is a highly contagious virus, it appears not to build immunity once you get it and survive, it appears that it perhaps leaves you with chronic problems, it wipes out older age people especially ones with chronic problems etc etc ... let's err on the site of caution and try to stay safe, practice social distancing, eat healthy, exercise, improve communication with our loved ones and build on our relationships with our kids, learn something new, get a certificate on a subject, do something positive for the community i.e. bake something for the elder house next door or write a nice letter to share with an elder or do anything else that will give positive vibes to our communities, our families, our friends and us personally... with much love ... one World, one Community, one Fight - Let's band together to win this one for all of us...

If I was the President During covid-19

Άν ήμουν πρόεδρος θα κήρυσσα έκτακτη ανάγκη ισοδύναμη με πόλεμο, θα διάτασσα τις τράπεζες στάση πληρωμών και επιβολή επιτοκίων για 6 μήνες (μπορούν να το διαχειριστούν), οί εταιρείες που δεν εργάζονται απαγορεύετε να απολύσουν οποιονδήποτε, ρεύμα, νερό και βασικό τηλέφωνο δωρεάν για 3 μήνες και το δημόσιο θα αναλάβει να πληρώνει κατευθείαν μέσο τού Υπουργείου Εργασίας 1.000 ευρώ τον μήνα σε κάθε άτομο που εργάζεται σε οργανισμό που ητε σταμάτησε της εργασίες του ή συνεχίζει με μειωμένη ένταση. Τα 2 δις αρκούν για 2 εκ τέτοιες πληρωμές δηλαδή για περίπου 5 μήνες. Τέλος, όλοι σπίτια τους για 30 μέρες, μόνο supermarket, και delivery φάρμακα ... τελειώνει ή ιστορία και προχωρούμε... δύσκολα προβλήματα θέλουν "τρελές" αποφάσεις... κάποιοι θα πουν ότι λέω βλακείες.. Αυτό το προσχέδιο είναι η βάση, οτιδήποτε λεπτομέρειες θα τις βρούμε... πχ αν ή Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση μας πάρει δικαστήριο γιατί παραβιάσαμε συμφωνίες, τότε θα τα πούμε στο δικαστήριο στην ώρα του... Στο μεταξύ θα έχουμε λύση το πρόβλημα... κλπ

Actions over Words

In this life there are doers and delayers ... During extraordinary times we should focus on getting things done... Find one reason to do (doers) and not 10 reasons why we shouldn't do it (delayers) .... we will never be able to satisfy every single opinion, need, want, special circumstance etc. Just get things done to help address the problem and we will circle back and fix the rest later ... BASIC PRINCIPLE

Οί Αετοί Πετάνε Στον Αέρα

Ο καθοριστικός παράγοντας επιτυχίας ή αποτυχίας όταν αντιμετωπίζουμε αντιξοότητες είμαστε εμείς ... είτε αφήνουμε το βάρος να μας σπρώχνει προς τα κάτω ή κάνουμε φτερά και πετάμε ψηλά ... πάμε για φτεραααααααααααα ... Οί Αετοί Πετάνε Στον Αέρα ....