Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Going crazy about fossil fuel while ignoring renewable energy and what the sun can easily gift us

Isn't it weird that we are all getting kaka crazy about finding fossil fuel (gas) in the Mediterranean, when we have much easier access to the sun? Why not invest in harnessing energy from the sun. Why not invest in building efficient and cheaper photovoltaic technology. Creating high value jobs in scientific fields, involve our universities, build manufacturing around this area? Gas is expensive to extract, make usable, and distribute... sun is much easier... and then, much easier and perhaps cheaper to send over to Europe with underwater cables instead of underwater tubes... and also maybe, the energy from the sun will not even create all this political turmoil and conflict, and for sure much more environmentally friendly... why not? Perhaps some people are seating pretty to gain a shitload of money from the process of extracting gas? Maybe money is the motivation? Because for sure the Sun makes so much more sense in anyway you see it... Have a great weekend...

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