Thursday, March 11, 2010

People are morons!

Politicians are idiots, but the people who vote them into office are morons! Political systems do not exist to serve the people but to provide a clear way for special interest to grow and thrive! The problem is that we believe the impossible during political campaigns. Politicians will promise everything when with some simple math we could figure out that it would be impossible to do everything they promise during their time in office. So, it is upon us to decide not merely who is telling the truth, but rather who is telling us reasonably what changes he/she will bring about that will have a positive impact on people’s lives. We should not care about strategic plans and analysis, rather we should embrace tactical and possible solutions to our daily problems. Choosing quality of life is much better than choosing to believe a bunch of useless and impossible blah blah!

Generation Apart! Spirit Open!

My head is spinning every time I talk to my kids or I hear them talk with their friends! I am neither trained nor ready for this! I do not understand how or why they talk about 99% of the things that they talk about. But who am I to judge. I am pretty certain that my parents where feeling the same way when I was talking about certain things when I was 16. So, try to understand the younger generation by listening more than you are talking! Understand the issues that affect them and be sincere when you offer your opinion. Love them! Put your arms around them! They will respond positively!

Fragile Creatures!

It is really sad! Human beings are fragile creatures! When are people going to understand that our time here is limited enough that it does not worth wasting time for anything negative!

People cannot stand on their own two feet. They need the support, the acknowledgement, and the approval of their friends, family, and business associates. They need to hear how good they are, how beautiful they are, that they are head and shoulders above the rest. When we hear those words we become stupid! We do not think about the motive behind those words nor do we question or evaluate the validity of such statements. We love to live in the darkness of our surrounding eco system created to just musk our weaknesses rather than expose them and encourage us to work to make our selves better. There is even worst! God forbid if someone, a fellow human being, rejects us! When this happens, we spent considerable time and energy trying to gain back the approval of the person who rejected us!

Instead, we could look around at the people who truly love us, respect us, and think of us as someone worthy of those beautiful emotions and feelings. Grab the hand of a person around you who truly wants to share with you the positive energy of what it is like to live happy. Try the good for once, reject the bad! Live your life smiling and being happy.