Thursday, May 03, 2012

Believe in your self....

"Those who lack belief in themselves will not in turn be believed." Believe in yourself. Do not put limits on yourself. You can achieve much more than what you think. Each day do a little bit more, and achieve a little bit more. Remember not to think too much of the journey and just take one step at a time, and before you know it you will be achieving the goals that you have set for yourselves. 

If you want others to believe in you, you must believe in yourself.  You can't expect to have doubts about your abilities, your commitment, your passion for something and at the same time anticipate the support and faith of other people towards you.  Lead by example!  Believe in yourself and others will take a hint!

A Journey of a thousand miles begins with a step!

This proverb can be found in many cultures in different variations.  It is true that the most difficult step to take at the beginning of any endeavor, is the first.  You need to get off the chair to go exercise, you need to get off the bed to go to work, you need to pick up the pen or turn on the laptop to start writing, and you need to believe in your self and have faith in people to express your feelings and say to someone that you care for them and that you love them.  We have gotten used to multitasking and we are honestly not doing a good job with that.  Focus your drive, your passion, and your resources to take that first step and do a good job at a reasonable rythm. Don't push the snooze button!  Get up and take that first step and you will see a big improvement on the things that you could accomplish.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

What the fuck!

People surprise me every day, but not in a good way anymore.  I wonder if this is due to me becoming more sarcastic or due to people becoming assholes visa vie the past? Just thinking out loud....

The Evil!

Money when not used properly or when it gets to the wrong hands, is evil!  Even though important in maintaining even a basic and dignified way of living, and purposely I call it living and not life, this resource can cause a lot of bad, negative attitude, and in a lot of cases destructive behavior.  Money also changes a lot of people, the overall attitudes and behaviors. The reality of the matter is that we all need a very finite amount to have a descent living. At the end of the day, the dawn of each person's life, we do not take anything with us other than the degenerating flesh and bones that were lent to us to provide for a form. This form confuses us as if it is the purpose for being, but we need to be concerned more with the health of our mind and soul... and for that not many make an effort.