Thursday, May 03, 2012

A Journey of a thousand miles begins with a step!

This proverb can be found in many cultures in different variations.  It is true that the most difficult step to take at the beginning of any endeavor, is the first.  You need to get off the chair to go exercise, you need to get off the bed to go to work, you need to pick up the pen or turn on the laptop to start writing, and you need to believe in your self and have faith in people to express your feelings and say to someone that you care for them and that you love them.  We have gotten used to multitasking and we are honestly not doing a good job with that.  Focus your drive, your passion, and your resources to take that first step and do a good job at a reasonable rythm. Don't push the snooze button!  Get up and take that first step and you will see a big improvement on the things that you could accomplish.

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