Friday, November 18, 2005

On the subject of a good juicy steak........

There is an argument on what is the best cut of meat for steak! In my opinion the best piece is a nice and healthy 1lb 3/4 of an inch thick porterhouse. Make sure that you buy it fresh and let it seat in a cool and dry refrigerator for 24 hours before you grill it. Marinate for 3 hours before you grill, with some salt, pepper, and soy sauce. Make a hot fire (400F) and grill on one side for 30 seconds and then turn and grill the other side for 3 minutes, and then again back to the first side for 2 minutes. Do not cut it and do not poke the stake. Let it seat off the grill for 2-3 minutes before you cut it. Drink a nice cold beer while you are grilling! This way you will have a nicely cooked and juicy steak. Enjoy!

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