Friday, November 18, 2005

Semi Governmental organizations in Cyprus tick me off.....

Semi Governmental organizations in Cyprus tick me off…..
What is up with these so called companies supported by public finances and protected by monopolistic markets?  Not only do they receive millions of pounds in government grants they also operated for many years under monopoly market protectionism.  As a result they overcharged, under managed, over expensed, and they filled their financial coffins with overpriced services.  In addition, they have been practicing unfair hiring practices from their inception.  They basically practice a sort of hiring inbreeding strategy.  They hire relatives and children of current employees blocking the way to possibly more qualified people.  Transparency in all internal practices is non existent.  As the market is opening up to competition they now want to privatize these companies which were established, grew, and prospered financially with public money (taxpayers’ money).  Privatization is good and welcomed however not to disseminate equity to the employees only.  If they do that these employees benefit from both their lucrative and in some cases unfairly secured positions as well as equity ownership.  Where does this leave the taxpayers who have been supporting these companies’ inefficiencies for the last 40 years?  Enough is enough!  People should wake up and demand transparency and stop trusting the various governments and technocrats blindly.  Ask questions and demand answers.

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