Friday, December 16, 2005

Judgment and Stereotypes

People judge and stereotype each other often and unfairly!  Why do people have the need to put others down?  Why do we stereotype?  Does it make us feel better?  Does it make us feel that we are above commoners?  Does it make us feel smarter? I believe that it is all the above and then some. By stereotyping people and grouping it becomes easier to compare to us and justify our shortcomings.  The skin color, spiritual beliefs, academic education, place of origin, ethnicity, and financial stature are some of the most commonly used stereotypes!  However, none of these stereotypes truly validates our opinions of others or provides a framework of reference to our quest to appear better than others.  A true measure of who we are and the most valid stereotype is the quality of our soul!  Interestingly enough, our soul has no color, religion, money, education, or a country to call home.  Our soul is an abstract idea of who we truly are as human beings.  Our soul is a measure of our kindness, compassion, humanity, concern, and consideration of others!  In the end this is all that counts.  How do we tread and care about others is a measure of our soul.  So, if you want to stereotype do it based on the measure of your soul.

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