Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Merry Christmas

Christmas is good!  People are generally happier, more receptive, passing love more freely to their fellow human beings, their spouses, and their families.  The surrounding environment puts a smile on everyone’s face.  The lights, the decorations, the music in the air give an upbeat vibe to everything that moves.  During Christmas we understand and appreciate other people’s problems better and in some cases we even rush to help.  We kind of feel guilty to have so much fun, spread so much happiness, share so many smiles, and spend so much money while others suffer.  It makes us feel better if we share! Christmas makes us almost better people as if we change, who we are, for three weeks every year.  If it weren’t for all the materialistic craze which has no logical underpinning I could say that December is the best month of the year.  But this race to buy everything freestanding drives me nuts.  I do not understand why people exhibit a purchase behavior which defies all common sense!  They behave as if they start a shopping list beginning in January of every year and in December they go shopping.  Give me a break!  What a waste!  My suggestion is for the government to regulate all expenses for the month of December to a maximum of 20% of each person’s income.  This way, people will make more rational purchase decisions and come January they will not need to consume antacids to deal with their debt indigestions.  BTW, the suggestion about regulating spending is a joke, so if any government technocrats are reading the page do not get any brilliant ideas.

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