Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Street dogs are a social model worth evaluating

Did you ever invest the time to observe the street dogs roaming our neighborhoods? I did and what I found is extremely interesting. Some of the facts! These dogs are always dirty, they always seem to be happy, with few exceptions they are always healthy looking and in some cases overweight, they always look like they are rushing to get somewhere, they seem to know what they are doing and where they are going, they almost never fight, they can get a partner anytime-anywhere without many expectations, they take care of their little doggies, they find a way to spend the evening and the list goes on and on. What gets me the most is that these dogs do not look stressed at all, to the contrary they look extremely content and happy.

What if we (humans) follow the street dog lead and adopt some of their habits? We will have to take fewer showers, smile a little more, not work too hard to acquire unnecessary things, tell another person if we like them and in the case of the opposite sex express out desires with a howl, spend all day with our families playing around and scratching a lot, leave for the day and worry about tomorrow later, and in general have much less stress than we have now.

So, what do you think? Would you join the revolution, or maybe more appropriately; would you join the pack? Woof, woof!!!!!

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