Friday, August 23, 2013

Thoughts from the Morning of March 26 in Cyprus ....

Good morning to everyone.... A new day on this beautiful island... I just finished exercising outside and if you didn't know what just happened, you would have thought that it is yet another normal day... The beautiful aroma of freshly blooming citrus trees feeling the air... My favorite time of the year.... Yet, the future course for Cyprus has been changed... It has been shifted as if we are part of a game for which we, the regular folks, have absolutely no control.... I have this surial feeling that we have just been spooked by people raised by the nintento and play station emotions....just another day at the office... But we will get up....stand up....and we will overcome adversity as we have done so many times all who can hear my voice....give a helping hand, push someone next to you gently to keep moving, smile a little more today because what we have as people, a big open heart and determination to overcome cannot be taken away....take a big first step today and we will come out of this better happier people to all of you....

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