Friday, September 19, 2008

The meaning of words……

I occasionally use words that are considered to be bad, negative, vulgar or improper, to help me make a point. I do not believe that there are bad or inappropriate words because words are attached to the meaning we give them as human beings. So, if the common meaning we give them is considered to be bad, then we should reconsider our understanding of the particular word. First, let us understand the definition of any word;

- A word is a unit which is a constituent at the phrase level and above

The official definition of what a word is has nothing to do with the meaning of the word. Thinking about it, I have even stronger conviction that there are no good or bad words but just words! So, run away with it and use the words that most express you, at the moment you choose to use them and do not worry about what others will think. If they need to recalibrate something is the “ethical meaning” they have assigned to the so called “bad words”!

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