Thursday, April 26, 2012

Our Robin Hood screwed us!

We all know the Robin Hood story, take from the rich and give to the poor.  Well, in Europe, we decided to create our own Robin Hood, called the European Union.  We voted for some people to represent us and make decisions for us, and one of the most important decisions is to tax us and redistribute the wealth so at some point in the future all European Union citizens can have a balanced and equitable life.  Our Robin Hood is doing well with one of the equation variables; collecting taxes.  So, now that the Robin Hood has the money, and the Robin Hood also knows through the vast network of bureaucracy it maintains, the needed redistribution model, it should be relatively easy to redistribute and eventually reach the goal of better life for all.  However, this is not happening.  Why?  Because somewhere in between, our noble representatives became elites.  And the elites keep some of the wealth for themselves.  Not the equitable wealth, but the vast majority of the wealth.  And this is the reason that this model will never work.  In the end, it is a world of the ones who have and they ones who don't.  If you don't have much, then start working to attain your goals on your own.  Because this Robin Hood ain't coming any time soon.

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