Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Is what she says, actually what she means?

Nope! But this is like cancer. We know what causes it but we don’t know the cure. The majority of women suffer from low self esteem and lack of confidence. They want and need validation on an on- going basis. As a result, they are not certain about what they seek in life. Mind you, this is generalizations, but the interesting thing is that a huge percentage of women feel like this. So, back to the main issue! If a guy is nice, they want a bad boy. If he is a bad boy, they want a good guy. If the guy tries to adjust, he is flaky. How will a guy react then? They say, be yourself! How the heck can I be myself if you don’t let me be? Know what you want and stick with it woman! How would you get the man you seek if you don’t even know what you want?

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