Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Relationships .... Revisited

I have a confirmation of the fact that a good healthy relationship were you do not need to compromise, you have fun, you respect, and you truly love your partner are essential and they are the only way to do it! I have some new elements in the relationship realm for which I do not have a strong opinion! However, I have an egotistical opinion.

These issues have to do with age difference, prior marital status, kids etc. I do not believe that age difference should be granted important consideration in a marriage. I believe that compatibility is a most critical variable when deciding on a partner for a lifetime. Imagine two possibilities; a partner close to your age with whom you have nothing in common, cannot laugh with, cannot have a satisfying conversation, cannot go out with, a partner with whom you do not feel comfortable, or feel in peace etc. On the other hand, think about a relationship with someone you are compatible and with whom you want to enjoy the rest of your life. A person you know you can trust and respect. Would you care about the age of the second person? The prior marriage issue and the kids are little trickie! Obviously you will have to understand why the first marriage did not work and make sure that the person in your heart does not have some fundamental problems. Absent that, a previous marriage should not exclude anyone from being in your heart. The kids should be understood and be allowed to be involved in your lives. Having said that, kids are selfish sometimes and they should be controlled in a mature and respectful way.

Go make your life!

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