Thursday, April 26, 2012

Through the half open balcony door!

In direct view, there is a concrete building in terrible shape.  Wood hanging from the sides, weed growing on the roof top, broken glass. Next to it, the old iron made rooftop of another building that desperately needs repair. In between, a yellow apartment building standing with a design so dull that its cultural footprint is destined to irrelevance. Yet, behind the balcony door there is a different picture, so much beauty, passion, desire, the wind of renewal and the eminent birth of hope.... for someone... maybe for many. The disparity of these worlds flows throughout the river of our life.  A river so wide and so long that it is difficult to imagine, no matter how much we dream and hope.  We can't visualize all the mountain valleys, the surprises, the unexpected turns, and the meadows our river will go through until it reaches the ocean.  Yet, it is beautiful, so beautiful that we can't give up hope.  We must persevere and enjoy the flow towards the mecca of our destiny.... and in my destiny I hope that it is you. 

Not when everyone can see!

Strength of character is when we do what we are suppose to do, based on our values and believes, when no one is watching us.  Maintain your integrity, your pride, and your dignity no matter the cost.  Once you give discount to those principles it is a downward spiral from which it will be difficult to recover.

I am richer today....

I have met some diverse, and genuinely good people this week, and I am richer for that.  Thank you guys!

Our Robin Hood screwed us!

We all know the Robin Hood story, take from the rich and give to the poor.  Well, in Europe, we decided to create our own Robin Hood, called the European Union.  We voted for some people to represent us and make decisions for us, and one of the most important decisions is to tax us and redistribute the wealth so at some point in the future all European Union citizens can have a balanced and equitable life.  Our Robin Hood is doing well with one of the equation variables; collecting taxes.  So, now that the Robin Hood has the money, and the Robin Hood also knows through the vast network of bureaucracy it maintains, the needed redistribution model, it should be relatively easy to redistribute and eventually reach the goal of better life for all.  However, this is not happening.  Why?  Because somewhere in between, our noble representatives became elites.  And the elites keep some of the wealth for themselves.  Not the equitable wealth, but the vast majority of the wealth.  And this is the reason that this model will never work.  In the end, it is a world of the ones who have and they ones who don't.  If you don't have much, then start working to attain your goals on your own.  Because this Robin Hood ain't coming any time soon.

Who is poor?

The last few days I had the opportunity to experience a visit to a remote village in rural Roumania called Crit, as part of a Gruntdvic program focusing on MDG's. The moment I stepped out of the van taking me and a team of other individuals of various nationalities, I was taken by surprise.  Based on Western standards, the village looked run down, with no infrastructure, and none of the conveniences we get to enjoy in the western world.  People with no "normal" jobs, tending their few domestic animals comprised of primarily some chicken, cows, ship, goats, horses, ducks, and the occasional pig.  Their daily attire was primarily of clothing that, again, we would consider unacceptable.  So, I felt out of place, maybe felt a little bad for them, and I immediately went into the mode of evaluating what these people would need to become happy.  You see I made an assumption that it turned out to be wrong.  I assumed that these individuals were not us happy.  But it turns out that they are.  They are happy with what they have, and they are happy that they have homes and their animals to take care of, and they are also happy that they have small yards that they cultivate to provide the necessary vegetables for the season and for the winter months. Kids were running around playing with the make shift toys they managed to put together, hunting for mushrooms and other wild vegetables and berries, as well as racing with their bikes around the small village of no traffic lights, main roads, fancy grocery stores, pubs, clubs or malls.  And it dawn on me.... while looking at the majestic mountains and meadows the last morning there, that these people are not poor, we are, for not understanding what is important in life.... we lost the meaning of what is needed... and we consume our time with how to secure the next asset, the next physical possession, which in the end, it creates more hardship and robes us of our ability to breath freely, to look at the stars without the city light glare, and to understand what is important in life.  We are poor, they are rich!